Canada Announces it’s Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026

On November 1st 2023, IRCC announced the Immigration Levels Plan for the years 2024 to 2026.

As per the announcement, Canada will target to allow 485,000 permanent residents in 2024, 500,000 permanent residents in 2025 and a sustained target of 500,000 permanent residents in 2026.

IRCC identifies the following sectors as critical for meeting the labour force shortages to enable the success and expansion of Canadian businesses:

  • Health
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
  • Trades
  • Transportation
  • and Agriculture

Canada also places high value to Family Class immigrants such as Spouses, Parents and Grandparents. It has been noted that spouses usually join the labour force and parents/grandparents help provide childcare thus enabling the sponsors to enter and remain in the workforce these further strengthening the Canadian labour supplies.

Another key reasons why Canada supports family class immigration is because having the support of family is important for the well being and social adaptability of newcomers.

Out of the total target of 485,000 new permanent residents, IRCC plans to issue permanent residentship to:

  • 82,000 spouses, partners and children
  • 32,000 parents and grandparents
  • 76,115 refugees
  • and 13,750 people under humanitarian and compassionate grounds

To know more book a consultation with our RCICs write to usc AT apply2ca DOT com.